Welcome to MetRecycle
Recycling of metals using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (FMNP)

The Main Objective Of Project Work
The main objective of the project work is oriented at recycling of outdated WE products, specifically permanent NdFeB and SmCo magnets as well as NiMH batteries, to achieve a REE rich output stream as precondition for an efficient recovery of precious REE.
The MetRecycle project contributes to the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation partnership on the recycling of raw materials, dealing with the novel strategic approach using advanced nanotechnology to achieve selective, efficient recycling process of REE’s, with the focus on the Heavy (HREE) REE’s.

REEs are key components of green energy and high-tech growth industries and they are imported into the European Union (EU) from a very limited number of producers. Until recently, China has been almost the sole supplier of REEs to the rest of the world. Tensions are particularly likely for five REEs (Neodymium, Europium, Terbium, Dysprosium and Yttrium) for which demand is expected to grow by up to 30%. The current level of recycling (urban mining) is still very limited (<1%). The MetRecycle project will use the advantage of specific properties of REE’s for higher recycling efficiency and selectivity.
MetRecycle project is focused to the development of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as a novel approach for REE’s recycling from aqueous solutions (waste waters) after pre-processing technology. Functional magnetic nanoparticles are easy to remove from aqueous solution by using external magnetic field to be recycled. The final stage of the project is scale up of novel functionalized magnetic nanoparticles to test, verify in practice. MetRecycle is furthermore strengthening collaboration between high-tech SME’s and research organisations, addressing also action for citizen awareness.
Expected results will cover the field of research and development of novel adsorbent nanomaterials for recycling of REE metal ions in order to improve REE selectivity and recycling rate, to achieve sustainable growth, increase in collection rates of e-wastes, greater social demand for more sustainable society, forcing industries to reuse waste as a feedstock, governmental legislation/changes to existing laws by providing incentives for recycling.
The project »MetRecycle« is supported by ERA-NET Cofound on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN 2) under Horizon 2020.